Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Perfect alternative to block walls

Block Wall

Block wall is more or less a standard in industrial site development. It suits the environment well. http://www.blockwall.org

Block wall has a number of characteristics to recommend it:

  • Block wall is durable
  • Block wall is available in a few distinct finishes
  • Block wall endures the abuse of weather fairly well
  • Block wall uses simple technology
  • Block wall can be plastered or finished with stucco
  • Block wall is an effective sound barrier
  • Block wall can be built to nearly any height
  • Block wall materials can be found nearly anywhere
  • Block wall materials are easily transported to a jobsite
  • Block wall adapts to slopes and uneven surfaces easily

Block wall can also be utilized in a residential application. Although it may have a utilitarian appearance, it can be finished to look more decorative. http://www.blockwall.org

There are some drawbacks to the use of block wall that make an innovative new product the more desireable choice.


  • Block wall requires the additional expense of an elaborate continuous concrete footing
  • Block wall must be grouted to achieve maximum strength
  • Block wall construction is an invasive and messy process
  • Block wall has inferior strength compared to precast concrete
  • Block wall must be protected from freezing while under construction
  • Block wall involves a very lengthy and laborious installation procedure
  • Block wall is very labor intensive with a moderate to large sized crew
  • Block wall has a very porous surface making it subject to water and freezing damage

All the advantages of block wall, and none of the disadvantages, can be had in the perfect wall for your project or home with a block wall alternative that provides all you are looking for.

The best alternative to traditional block wall is Stonetree™ concrete fence wall. Stonetree™ is superior to block wall in every respect.

  • Stonetree™ concrete fence wall is extremely durable reinforced concrete
  • Stonetree™ concrete fence wall has identical molded designs on both faces that can look like dry stacked stone, stucco, brick, flagstone, ashlar stone, and more
  • Stonetree™ concrete fence wall installs very quickly

  • Stonetree™ concrete fence wall only requires a pier footing every 15 feet
  • Stonetree™ concrete fence wall doesn't require an elaborate and expensive continuous footing
  • Stonetree™ concrete fence wall is minimally invasive to your landscaping
  • Stonetree™ concrete fence wall has infinite capacity for creativity
  • Stonetree™ concrete fence wall is beautiful
  • Stonetree™ concrete fence wall requires virtually no maintenance
  • Stonetree™ concrete fence wall only requires a three man crew and a fork lift to install
  • Stonetree™ concrete fence wall improves your property value
  • Stonetree™ concrete fence wall arrives at your site ready to install the same day
  • Stonetree™ concrete fence wall outlasts every other fence or wall
  • Stonetree™ concrete fence wall is an effective sound barrier
  • Stonetree™ concrete fence wall increases security on your property

Stonetree™ concrete fence wall is the clear choice for your fence and wall needs.